Guadalupe River Art Walk
2022: Year Six
We are continuing our partnership with the Guadalupe River Park Conservancy to bring the “Bay Area’s Longest Public Art Corridor.” During the pandemic of 2020-2021, we created a series of three Artist-in-Residencies to bring art that fosters community resiliency, attracts park users, and sparks inspiration and social healing.
For 2022, we are back to create 10 new installations at 5 sites along the Guadalupe River Trail. Due to the on-going pandemic, we have decided to keep the artist roster hyperlocal to the amazing talents we have right in our Bay Area.
The long term goal is to create San Jose’s first longest public art corridor that will encourage long-term trail and park usage which will provide activities that promote health and wellness, both physically and mentally, and are of increased need in urban areas, and especially in our current global situation.
For more info on supporting the “Guadalupe River Art Walk” , visit HERE
Film by Jennie Gonzalez and Frank Fabio
Meet our Artists!
Humble Beginnings Tattoo Collective @hbtatt2
Alan Pham @alanpham
Jeff Quintano @jeffquintano
Jordan Gabriel @jgabrielart
Melissa Manuel @melchonattack
Orly Locquiao @orlycukui
Ricardo Gonzoe Gonzalez @gonzoetattoos
Monmon Cats @monmoncats
State of Grace Tattoo @stateofgracetattoo
Supporting roster:
Alberto Garcia @itsbertogarcia
Drew Flores @doryu_san
Horitomo @horitomo_stateofgrace
Kenji Stoll @_yokenji
Matt Shamah - @mattshama
Molly Kitamura @knivesandneedles
Taki Kitamura @stateofgracetaki
Tyler Harrington @tylerharringtontattoos
Jacqueline de Leon @jacquelindeleon
Bryan Sanchez @bryansanchezzzzz
Edgar Sanchez @sanchez9215
Yoshi47 @yoshi_47
TUESDAY, APRIL 26 - GRPC River/Trail Clean Up - Coleman:
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 - GRPC River/Trail Clean Up - San Fernando and Park:
THURSDAY, APRIL 28 - GRPC River/Trail Clean Up - Woz with the City (no river):
SATURDAY, APRIL 30: 7:00PM-10:00PM:
“This is the Way” – Art Show at Empire Seven Studios
Opening reception of the main art show at Empire Seven Studios featuring the artists of SJ Walls.Located at 525 N 7th Street, Suite 10.
SUNDAY, MAY 1 THROUGH SUNDAY, MAY 8 (sunrise to one hour before sunset):
Mural painting and installations in the Guadalupe River Park and Gardens by all SJ Walls artists.
SUNDAY, MAY 1 (sunrise to one hour before sunset):
Happy Little Trees
Meeting of the Minds Collective artists from Citadel Studios will be setting up their easels at different locations within the park and painting just for the fun of it. Open for anyone to join!
9:00am-12:00pm - Mural Tour Ride with SJ Bike Party and Silicon Valley Bike Coalition - SIGN UP HERE
Experience the Guadalupe River Park Gardens on one or two wheels through cycling, skateboarding, roller skating, or riding a scooter!12:00-2:00pm - SF Bay Area Dance Movement pop up @ Empire Seven Studios (525 N 7th Street)
10:00am-3:00pm - Pop up market with SJ Makers - Arena Green (next to SAP Center)
Local market bringing the community together by uplifting small businesses, artists & musicians
*Subject to change